Student. Developer. Engineer.

About Me

Currently a sophomore in Material Sciences at IIT Bombay, I'm immensely enthusiastic about programming as well.

I am still in the stage of trying out different fields of CS, although I do like software development.

I love spending my free time on reddit, trying to find some interesting subs every other day.

Oh, and I love watching thrillers as well. Binging, in fact.

Yet my favourite shows are How I Met Your Mother, Brooklyn 99 & Bojack Horseman.

My music tastes have changed drastically over time. I started with mainstream artists like Eminem and Linkin Park.

Then I suddenly became a huge fan of the unconventional music style of Lorde.

Recently, I started listening to a mainstream hip-hop and rap artists like Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West & Travis Scott.

And when I'm tired of staring at my laptop, I start staring at my phone. Kidding xD.

I enjoy playing badminton and sometimes strolling around the humungous campus of our institute.


Yet to be filled. Why don't you have a look at my résumé ?


Links to some of the most amazing videos I've come across on a platform called Youtube.

  • Now You Happy Always Maybe

    Importance of sadness in life explained in a much needed and quirky way.

  • March 2011

    But what is a Neural Network?

    The first time I came across the word Neural Network. Also probably the best explaination behind this super trendy word.

  • December 2012

    Kanye, deconstructed

    Vox does an amazing job at explaining Kanye's different musical styles and how he uses vocal elements throughout his songs.

  • July 2014

    Digital Hygiene

    Most of us do know the problem, but here's a solution .

  • December 2012

    Greta sings Death Metal

    Okay, I might sound a bit harsh on this one, but no hard feelings. Innovative, is all I would say.